Trend Airshield Pro is what you are after my friend, it can be used with a beard. The only problem is they cost $350. But how much is your health worth? A lot more than $350 I would suggest.
All wood dust is harmful, add the toxicity of yew and you are getting into dangerous territory.
I had serious dust issues, and wouldn't wish it on the worst person in the world, went on for months without a break. I had no beard and was only using a simple paper, nuisance level dust mask. If you would have handed me a gun I would have shot myself in the head, it was that bad. Non stop sinus pain, headaches, post nasal drip that built up in my lungs, restricting my ability to breath, with pneumonia like symptoms. Dr said I was a hairs breath away from being hospitalised.
Better dust masks, and Nasal sinus rinse, and asthma puffer cleared up the problem. Alway careful now. You have to be careful with yew osage or tropical woods because you can build up a sensitivity to the toxins.