My first post.

Anyway, I have a couple of chokecherry and hawthorn staves that I recently cut. The 2 CC have the bark shaved off and the ends sealed. The staves are 3-4" dia. So not large at all. Should I take off the cadmium layer also? FYI, they are a week old.
I'm assuming these 2 CC are too small to split? Correct? Or should I just cut them down the middle with the bandsaw?
And the 2 hawthorn staves are 4-5" dia. They were cut yesterday so they are just sitting there with ends sealed. Should I remove the bark on these as well? Split them? And what to do with the cadmium layer? Stay or go?
Boy lots of questions but I just don't know the answers and there are plenty of folks here that can help I'm sure.
Thanks in advance
Great Falls, MT