Relevance is in order in these discussions, or there's no sense having them. The shortest added on 'handle piece' I've glued on was a 9" piece.... and I was really trying to conserve length on a blind bow, on a boo/yew/osage trilam, 58" ntn, 58# @ 28", d/r... and I'd bet the bow itself that it isn't shaped how most folks would shape it. I've glued the handle piece on other such bows, albeit longer ntn, up to 15" long, but usually they're at least 11-12" long.
Heck, who knows if we're even talking about the same kind of bows here. Probably not.
Bottom line is, there are many considerations and tradeoffs... handle design, thickness, width, shape, fade length and shape, limb cross section, limb action, working limb length, and more... should help determine what length piece we decide to glue on for the handle area. If we don't pay heed to such considerations, we'll learn to... or our bows will suffer their consequences.