Couple years ago JonW gifted me a near flawless piece of black locust. It stood in the garage until I hauled it to MoJam last year.
When I carried it under the shade of pavilion, Jon hollered, "whatcha got there Hill?" Knowing full well what it was and where it came from.

And after receiving confirmation that I really did know what was under my arm, next question, "Welllll, whatcha gonna do with it?"
I've not made a molle and like visuals/performance of this design. So that was first iteration of this stave. A 66" molle. Worked on it for several days, but didn't get anywhere near completed . . . many of you are well aware how slllllow I am. Took it home and, when I got it out again, just didn't like what had done.
Decided to reshape it into a pyramid. 2nd iteration. Kept length near the same. Reshaped limbs, and just didn't like it at all!
Here is that stave on its 3rd iteration. 58" ttt. Some flex in handle. Pin nocks. Built up handle with layers of 1/4" thick cork that comes in sheets from nearby big box store. Think there's 3 layers on belly and 1 on back. Formed arrow shelf from thick piece of leather. 45# @ 26".
This one will be going on a gobble hunt, with bit of luck and help from a friend.

Thanks for lookin'.