More futile terrorism, dunno why they bother.
London survived the blitz and Hitlers V1 and V2 terror weapons and that guy really knew how to terrorise.
Back in 7/7/2005 (London bombings) I was driving down the M11 motorway towards London and the overhead signs said "LONDON CLOSED"
That was a bit chilling, but I was only going to the outskirts anyway, so I simply kept calm and carried on... ok, I did put the radio on.
In contexts with the deaths and personal tragedies that happen everyday around the world it's just a drop in the ocean, but our thoughts go out to those who have been effected by this stupidity, especially the unarmed policeman who was stabbed and died. We are fortunate the terrorist didn't have access to firearms.
(Admins, I hope this post is ok, if not please delete).