this is a two part question, and we would really appreciate any and all feedback!
1.we know how you guys like to make all your own gear.
so, would folks on here be interested in a bundle of square blanks for making shafts. that way you could make them in any style or configuration you would like !
They would be best that i could select at that point of the process, good grain, stiffness- just overall estimated premium shaft blanks. realizing of course that no one has any way knowing of whats inside the blanks!
say maybe 20 blanks in a bundle- to compensate if any dont make the grade.
or would you just prefer the finished shafts.
2.we have shafts that dont make the grade- whether it be a spot of bad grain runout, or a pin knot or inclusion. However, the position of the flaw may leave a lot of shaft that is still perfect.
-we cut the flaws out- allowing a minimum length of 16" of good shaft. these shafts will be anything from 16" up to about 30".
-They are not spined or weighed
-would probably be in 100 bundles.
these make great kids arrows.
any input, as to how we can get these to social groups, societies, schools, scout groups etc where kids are being encouraged and mentored- but funds may be limited.
i dont think we want to give these aways as competitions- they will be free- but we dont want to be scammed!
all thoughts and input welcome.
any archery gatherings/jamborees , where they do a kids programme, is also a great place for them.
great thing about these- is the kids can shoot them away, break them or even start fires with them- its all good!

we are sending a schwack of them down to Pappy, for the kids bow deal down there, and also a bunch of giveaway bundles of good shafts!
thanks all.