Author Topic: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!  (Read 4862 times)

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Offline TSA

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new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« on: March 22, 2017, 12:45:16 pm »
this is a two part question, and we would really appreciate any and all feedback!

1.we know how you guys like to make all your own gear.

so, would folks on here be interested in a bundle of square blanks for making shafts. that way you could make them in any style or configuration you would like !
They would be best that i could select at that point of the process, good grain, stiffness- just overall estimated premium shaft blanks. realizing of course that no one has any way knowing of whats inside the blanks!
say maybe 20 blanks in a bundle- to compensate if any dont make the grade.

or would you just prefer the finished shafts.

2.we have  shafts that dont make the grade- whether it be a spot of bad grain runout, or a pin knot or inclusion. However, the position of the flaw may leave a lot of shaft that is still perfect.
-we cut the flaws out- allowing a minimum length of 16" of good shaft. these shafts will be anything from 16" up to about 30".
-They are not spined or weighed
-would probably be in 100 bundles.

these make great kids arrows.

any input, as to how we can get  these to social groups, societies, schools, scout groups etc where kids are being encouraged and mentored- but funds may be limited.
i dont think we want to give these aways as competitions-  they will be free- but we dont want to be scammed!
all thoughts and input welcome.

any archery gatherings/jamborees , where they do a kids programme, is also a great place for them.

great thing about these- is the kids can shoot them away, break them or even start fires with them- its all good! (SH)  (=) :-K

we are sending a schwack of them down to Pappy, for the kids bow deal down there, and also a bunch of giveaway bundles of good shafts!

thanks all.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 01:32:08 pm by TSA »

Offline Urufu_Shinjiro

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2017, 03:11:23 pm »
I have no dog in the race on the first question as I have no way to finish blanks so it's not aimed at me, but I did want to say good on ya for the 2nd part, that's mighty upstanding!Check out your local SCA dot org group and see if they have a large archer contingent that could use something like that.

Offline Danzn Bar

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2017, 03:20:01 pm »
Sounds great to me as long as I win      Lol :)
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Offline Pat B

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2017, 04:52:29 pm »
Those are great offers, Wayne. Lots of folks do like to make their own and the square blanks would give folks that option without having to have the equipment to saw their own. All they need to make shafts is a good thumb plane or even a rasp or scraper.
 The seconds sounds like they could be a good deal for some also.
I'm sure Pappy appreciates your generosity too.
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Offline selfbow joe

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2017, 07:27:55 pm »
It sounds good to me. A friend of mine teaches boy scouts. I know they make their own arrows for awards.

Offline TSA

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2017, 07:42:52 pm »
thanks for the responses thus far,
if any of you folk know of any legitimate organization or groups that could do with some kids shafts- be sure to put us in contact with each other- we would like to pass these along- and they bare a continual product.
we used to bundle up all the rejects and the offcuts in bundles- and give them to folk around here that were either in need or in a tight spot, for kindling, some older single folks, or struggling moms etc- doesnt save them a ton of money , but sure makes a difficult time a bit easier- when you dont have to worry about kindling.

but there is still more than enough for that-  but we would really like to recycle some of the usable shafts as kids shafts.


Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2017, 08:07:23 pm »
I think the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and 4H would be good contacts for the shafts here in the states.  Kids break or lose a lot of arrows!   Unlike like us older folks😂!   Just back into arrows, but I would be interested in blanks, sounds like a good opportunity.  Will send a pm with a question I have.
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Offline TSA

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2017, 05:00:20 am »
look, i think if shafts are free then does it really matter.
HOWEVER, as everyone on this site is, i think , at heart, a tinkerer ( like myself)- and love to make their own gear- even if it is available for sale.
well, thats where my elusive mind wandered to, when thinking about offering some blanks for folks. Its for those of us who like to make stuff- just for the sake of making stuff, not necessarily to save money, and we all recognize that character trait. That very trait that drives our partners crazy, leaves wood shavings everywhere, burnt feather smell in the living room, weird critter hides in the freezer in unmarked packages, and burnt hide glue on the fancy stove top! ;D i know this, and the associated wrath only too well!

i came into the house one evening a few years back- my wife was just fuming mad- we had guests over for dinner- and she had pulled my prized ling cod skins out of the freezer- partially defrosted them- and they were well braised- before she realized what was going on :o. she had to scurry to get another meal going for them- and not even an apology for my ruined bow skins- the nerve!!!

the added advantage of the shaft blanks, is that they have been cut from wood that has been specifically selected and handled for making shafts, its well seasoned wood, that has never seen the inside of a kiln. not many folk will have access to that kind of wood neccesarily.

Hawkdancer, i sent you a reply- thank you for the valid question with regards to the pricing difference between us and our retail outlets. i think i will give a short explanation of why that exists, and place it up on the intro/sticky  post at the top of the arrow forum, where it will be easy to find. just give me a wee bit of time to get it organized!

thanks all

Offline RBLusthaus

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2017, 11:20:57 am »
I would for sure be interested in blanks, as you describe them.  The shorties, you mention, might also be marketed as "blanks" for those looking to 2 or 4 foot arrows, depending on how long they really are.  Good stock is not to be thrown away, if it could be used. 


Offline Blayne

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2017, 02:19:30 pm »
I know the SCA archers also have a bunch of folks who like to play "French" and shoot cross bows, period style of course. Lower draw weights then modern, but they still shoot short bolts. I know many use broken arrow shafts, but I will ask around and see if there is interest.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2017, 11:11:29 pm »
Wayne this is Bjrogg, I would be interested in the shafts for kids. My daughter in law and I have a 4-H group at my "man cave" I always try to have something primitive for the kids to look at for each meeting. I've been wanting to start building bows with them but they are pretty young for that yet. Maybe we could start with some arrows though. I've showed them how to Flint knap but that's about as interesting as watching paint dry if that's all their doing. They like to keep coming back and looking every 5 or 10 minutes to see kind of a time lapse. Before you send my drawings shafts we'll talk. Thanks once again for your generous offer and supporting this forum. Feel free to PM me anytime
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Offline TSA

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2017, 10:38:58 am »
thats awesome- exactly the type of activities we are looking for. i will pm you!
well done, and many thanks!

Offline clewis

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2017, 11:51:31 am »
Question for TSA:
Totally unrelated to current post but when will your birch shafting be available?

Offline Ed Brooks

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2017, 01:39:53 pm »
Thank you TSA for any offer you do. Very kind of you to even offer up free stuff. thanks again. Ed
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Offline TSA

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Re: new giveaway idea- wanting your input!
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2017, 04:14:34 pm »
its absolutely our pleasure folks. least we can do.

 Clewis, the birch is an experiment for us- we have some that is well seasoned now- and had planned to process ofter our current batch of hemlock works its way through.
we also have some seasoned poplar we wanted to try out. we have heards some great reports on these woods, and some not so great- we want to see for ourselves- how they run through our machines- and how they behave as shafting.

what is your experience with birch- how do you like it?

 what we really like about these 2 woods, is that they are a sustainable resource, as apposed to old growth woods that are currently used throughout the industry. even though all our wood is recovered or salvaged wood- and we never cut a living stading tree down, but one day the old growth timber will come to an end, for ever,sadly!