Finally got to do some bowmaking again, been awhile. A friend wanted a bow for her son's 18th birthday, and we decided, given his interests, to go with something in the ELB style. I took some cues from Marc and his Elm ELB. I think it really is more reflective of a Welsh Longbow.
"They are made neither of horn, ash nor yew, but of elm; ugly unfinished-looking weapons, but astonishingly stiff, large and strong, and equally capable of use for long or short shooting". -Gerald of Wales, 12th century
Well, this one is certainly not "unfinished" or ugly, but a simple elm longbow nonetheless. I kept her lightweight for the archer noob so she'd be plenty of fun to play with and would be a good "starter" if he really gets into it. Kept the handle stiff for the lighter weight bow, limbs start out with a D cross section that gets a little more rectangular past the middle, then pyramidal at the stiff tips. Inlaid leather arrow pass, just to try something new and keep the look clean and simple. Had to be inventive to get that circular cut on a half inch diameter piece of leather. A well-toasted belly to keep string-follow at a minimum. Light Walnut stain to bring out the grain (specifically requested by the mom, otherwise I'da left her plain), about 6 coats of Deft to finish. String silencers are rabbit I think. Smooth draw, sweet shoot'n, and plenty of zip! Ok stats and pics:
70" ttt, 68" ntn, self-nocks
30#@28", a hair under 35 @ 30"

I've got a sister stave that is a flatbow design that I hope to have finished soon. She's a hunter and I can't wait to finish her up!