This one took some work. The stave it came from had issues. Crazy lateral bend, propeller twist, and some concerning weathering checks to name a few. Thank goodness that osage, heat gun in hand, will shape like playdough with patience and care. Once I got it balanced out I posted it here on PA. This was a good move cause this was my first attempt with this type of design and the following folks really helped me out...
Badger, joachimM, Bob W., Pearl Drums, bubby, Beadman, ty_in_ND, Springbuck, Selfbowman, and penderbender
Thank you all very kindly. She's got at least 100 arrows through her and she's smooth, comfortable, and deadly.
So here are the specs...
60" ntn
60# @ 27"
Cherry bark back
buffalo horn, from Greenriver, on the tips and for the inlay (my second attempt, not great but it'll do)
leather handle wrap
let me know what you think