Welcome Ben! Morgan's right about a pyramid design being a good one to start with. You're probably wondering what that means. Well, it's just about the simplest design for a bow with a static (not bending) handle.
A D-bow (bends through the handle giving it a D shape when braced and drawn) would be another option. The reason why a pyramid bow would be a good bet it cause it tapers in width rather than thickness.
This means the width from handle to tip progressively decreases. You just draw straight lines on either side from the end of the fades (area out of the static handle where the bow starts to bend) to the tips.
Since it's tapering in width, it does not taper in thickness. So it stays at the same thickness from the end of the fades to the tip. Tapering thickness takes a bit more skill and experience.
Do a search for pyramid bow on this site and you'll see many great examples. Good luck and don't get discouraged. I've broken WAY more bows than I've made.