Pecos mike, thats Awsome! Itll be awhile bfor' I could afford to getsome land, but if you need help gettin' rid of some hogs, Id love to make a vacation out of it.

Bob, most of the public land around here is archery only for hogs anyways....there not much public land that allows deer hunting out my way, but as far is safety is concerned, the only time that I have felt that the situation could be dangerous is during duck season. I love duck hunting, I hunt public, and it does get crowded. We have had shot rain down on us, but never any injuries. You gotta watch out for the "barnies" Last season I had a guy setup 25 yards away from my spread, at least #2shot will do less damage than a slug, but you gotta be pretty crazy to get up early enough to hunt waterfowl on public land anyways.