Author Topic: preforms VS rough  (Read 14573 times)

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Offline redwasp

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preforms VS rough
« on: March 13, 2008, 11:37:44 am »
hi, i was just wondering about preforms. Are they better for the beggining knapper or is it better to get the material rough and spall it out?
If one man can do it, another man can do it. Richard......Northeastern PA.

Offline cowboy

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 12:05:09 pm »
That was me a few years ago, I tried em both - still have some sawed out blanks in the shop that I've had for couple of years and am still beating out points from the spalls I produce myself. The blanks I have to buy since I don't own a rock saw but at the same time I have access to all the flint I want. I think it would be more of a personal prefference. If you do own a saw and have a limited supply of rocks there will be less waste than with spalling..
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Offline redwasp

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 01:20:22 pm »
Thanks Cowboy, I have some georgetown chert that Ive been working on only been knapping 2 days. Since I dont know what I'm doing i seem to be wasting alot, thats why the question. I wish i had a rock saw.  Just seem to me preasure flaing would be a better place to start. mabey I'm wrong.
If one man can do it, another man can do it. Richard......Northeastern PA.


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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 01:38:28 pm »
im right there with ya, i was wondering the same thing. my first attenpt at thinning a spall ended in a lot of unusable flakes and the spall turned into a small rock that i couldnt thin any further. now i just thin till i get a decent flake then jump right into pressure flaking it, for the most part i end up with something that resembles a point, maybe to thin, maybe to thick, but it gives me pleasure and decent results for now.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 01:50:23 am by Bishop »


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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2008, 02:14:15 pm »
Redwasp,  A couple of things to think about.  There are several ways to work with rock. Each is it's own art form and have differsnt ways to go about making your point. If you intend to make arrowheads and eventually blades and knives out of flint or obsidian I suggest you use spalled rock or nodules of flint and learn by practicing to make your own by thinning. If you are having problems you do need to get with someone to get some pointers. It will take about five years off the learning process in about a month. If you arn't near someone you can get instruction tapes that you can learn almost as fast. Let me know what you want to do and I could give you some honest suggestions. I don't sell them so it will be honest. As far as using slabbed materials. I agree with Cowboy by conserving raw materials especially when you get into some exotic or rare rock. But in doing this you have to learn to prepair and flake the preform differently than you would the old way. Two tapes I would suggers are,  If using slabs for arrowheads ( Lap Knapping, with Craig Ratzat), if using raw flakes for arrowheads (Making the Cahokia and Ishi Points, with Jim Redfearn.  Good luck, be glad to help just email.  Sleddman

Offline redwasp

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 02:31:45 pm »
If i can figure out how to post pictures i will. Bishop gl with your knapping, glad your finding it pleasureable. I find it Painful :-X smashed my thumb and watch my hard earned money dissappear with minimal rewards so far.  I did expect some problems but I thought if a caveman can do it surely I could :D what a joke i stink but hopefully will improve just need to get over a few humps. I just got a dose of reality and greater appreciation for the way our ancestors had to live,
If one man can do it, another man can do it. Richard......Northeastern PA.


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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2008, 02:36:40 pm »
ive whacked about every finger on my left hand....i am wondering if there were a lot of "one good eye" knappers running around back then, i took a chunk of Obsidian to the lens of my safety glasses that would have for sure done some

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2008, 03:02:53 pm »
    Last time I was out at Glass buttes Oregon,we brought back a ton of nodules,but I have been using the couple of buckets of spalls that I made while walking around the country side.If you've got a materials source,it's better to spall it out there.  Frank
Frank (The Sparrow) Pataha, Washington

Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2008, 10:25:44 pm »
Redwasp:  You have had some very good advice.  I used to go the the glass buttes in Oregon and believe it or not but all obsidian does not work the same way.  There was one pit that had obsidian that was very very hard and others quite easy to flake.  I personally think obsidian is for the beginner and the very good knapper!  We used to get some really great materials off Mt. St. Helen and we sawed it because it was to precious to waste.  I do think that if you learn to first work with flint spalls and can master thinning the bulbs you will be much further ahead.  Go to a knappin or get the videos that were suggested.  It will save years. When I was learning there were darn few knappers and everything was a secret.  Believe me, it took a lot of years to figure it out.  Also, if you plan to hunt with your own points, don't think they have to be gem quality.  I have managed to do well over the years with some pretty crude points and shafts.
Good Luck and don't get discouraged!  Wolf Watcher
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Offline redwasp

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2008, 11:58:01 pm »
wolf watcher i definitely want to hunt with the arrowheads i make or else i wouldn't even try. What's the use if your not going to use them? ;).... thank you for the advice. I will pick up a few videos/dvds when I get the chance.  I guess I will go to paying a higher price for material your right probably worth it.  On another note, I made 6 copper boppers out of some copper pipe and caps that I confiscated from work and filed to the top of pipe with lead. Seemed to help alot I had some really good spalls comming off today.  I still managed to hit the same thumb at the same place figures. ::). thanks again 
If one man can do it, another man can do it. Richard......Northeastern PA.


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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2008, 01:12:26 am »
Redwasp,  On the copper boppers. I only fill the cap half way with lead. It seems that using too much lead leads to heavy strikes and too much energy trancferring into the stone causing more breakage. try to keep the handles shorter too, so you don't start using the boppers like a hammer.  Hold the bopper just under the copper cap and you will find you will have more accuracy and better luck.   Sleddman

Offline redwasp

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2008, 11:04:39 pm »
hey sleddman, In the book the art of flintknapping. D.C. said that you could soak spalls of Georgetown and make 1/4 less in hardness. How long do you have to let soak?  Or, is that a material that really needs to be heated.  I cant hit hard enough I guess. ;)
If one man can do it, another man can do it. Richard......Northeastern PA.

Offline mullet

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2008, 05:31:32 pm »
  I slice and grind preforms to make my rock stretch farther.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2008, 06:01:11 pm »
Redwasp:  Every one of us has his own tools, tricks, things that work for us.  I use some really off the wall crude tools when I am in a hurry to make some hunting points.  I am losing the wrist strength I used to have so use a couple of different Ishi sticks when flaking and notching!  I have lots of elk, deer, hard drawn copper wire, a small moose horn that I am willing to send to you if you would like.  I've never considered myself a flintknapper as I never really had access to flint, but have made lots of different things out of the other materials.  Some one like cowboy could give you better flint knapping advice.  Watcher
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Offline redwasp

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Re: preforms VS rough
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2008, 08:55:28 pm »
thanks wolf watcher, anything that you are willing to send me would be great..  I find the beauty of a well made stone point well..... simply amazing and I have become obsessed with learning this ancient skill. I ordered "Lap Knapping" with craig ratzat.. and some obsidian preforms. Hopefully, after I have viewed the dvd I will be able to understand making platforms because my points stack baaaaadddd. LOL.. Thanks to all of you for your advice. I did make one point out of a glass bottle bottom and it is very crude and dull and the edge looks like a winding river but it didnt break lol..   
If one man can do it, another man can do it. Richard......Northeastern PA.