Depending where you live and can't find Osage, you can go to one of the on line auctions. But most wood is most likely cut within the past six months or even less. You will have to wait for it to dry or reduce it down to a oversized bow and read on how to push the drying time down to a few months. As far as Osage being hard to work, well that's all I have worked with and have made three bows so far. The art is new to me so I just take it slow and do as much research as possible. My very first bow may not be 100% to the books but it turned out to be 60 lbs. at 26" and is only 58 " long. I have used it for two years now and I love shooting it. Take your time and get the growth ring right. And if your like me I begged my friends for a stave, LOL. I do have a couple I have put to the side for a day I can say I think I know what I'm doing
Till than I'll work on the ones that were meant for the fireplace. So far I have saved three. Good luck