Anyone ever read the chapter on Eastern Woodland Bows in TBB 2? Well, in there Herrin describes 2 types of well-preserved Cherokee bows, the longer of which he calls the "war" bow. He gives the dimensions as...
71" ntn
width at handle: 1 9/16" tapering down to...
width at tips: 1 1/16"
thickness at handle: 5/8" tapering down to...
thickness at tips: 7/16"
65# at 28"
The preferred wood was Osage, and I once built one from it with the exact same dimensions. I'd post pics but I gave it to my sister-in-law's husband who now hunts with it regularly.
Anyway, seeing as though a recent windstorm gave me more sugar maple than I know what to do with, I thought it might be fun to give this bow another go with one exception other than the wood... I'd like to go narrower at the tips say, 3/8". My question is, if I'd like to keep the same draw weight (close to 65#) how would you folks adjust the thickness to account for the different type of wood and narrower tips? I have some ideas, but I thought I'd ask.