That might work but I don't think it would be as accurate.
I'm gonna bet that you grew up in the computer age, and you do know, that you are asking questions to a lot of old timers here? Actually you might be surprised that quite a few of the worlds engineering feats were accomplished with not much more than graphical solutions, and we sent men to the moon in the days of the slide rule.....
Ok, I will stop ranting, and move on. The essays that come to mind were published primarily in TBB series. Bow Design and Performance in the 1st, and Design and Performance Revisited in the 4th. You can find quite a bit of his Tims work (and more) discussed in the archives at Paleoplanet, along with helpful info about some of the spreadsheets discussed earlier.
Actually google can help searching the forums, as it often returns better results than the forums own search feature. something like hysteresis site: or spreadsheet site:
browsing thru all of a selected authors posts works even better

try rows above and below row 100 on woodbears sheet