Author Topic: Drawing bows why are women so different?  (Read 10921 times)

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Offline vinemaplebows

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Drawing bows why are women so different?
« on: March 07, 2017, 02:12:14 pm »
I have noticed just about every woman I have ever seen draw a bow, for what ever reason, naturally draws it straight to their chest
(including the wife).....why is this a natural draw position for them? In the December issue of PA Cipriano wrote a article "energy in archery" all but maybe one student (female) draws straight to their chest. I have seen no difference between adult females, and children. Someone have a answer?
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Offline PatM

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2017, 04:03:54 pm »
Slingshots are always drawn to the center  of the nose too.  Tough one to answer, especially these days where everyone is equal. ;)

Offline joachimM

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2017, 04:37:07 pm »
It's not just women who draw that way: nearly every man I initiate into archery draws to his chest, until I tell him not to. I guess it's a rather natural stance.
Note that there are photographs picturing "Ishi" (aka the last "wild" native american) with a stance intermediate to drawing to the chest and face.
for example this one

There are also many ancient pictures and drawings of European archers drawing to their chest.
It's not because it's drawn that way that it's historically accurate, I know...

Actually, if I recall well, the Danish archer Lars Andersen (yes, that one) argues in one of his online film fragments that drawing to the chest can be a very natural way of drawing a bow.

Ancient Egyptian archers, or Asian for that matter, might wonder why we only draw to our cheek, where they drew far behind their ears, some 34".
We're just used to doing it otherwise...

Offline PatM

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2017, 05:04:49 pm »
In that case I'd say it has to do with physical activity levels  through childhood.  Boys start very early throwing stuff and realizing they have to get their arms out and away and behind their body to generate power.

 It has however become fashionable to say that kids behave in a gender neutral way.

Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2017, 05:37:32 pm »
It's not just women who draw that way: nearly every man I initiate into archery draws to his chest, until I tell him not to. I guess it's a rather natural stance.
Note that there are photographs picturing "Ishi" (aka the last "wild" native american) with a stance intermediate to drawing to the chest and face.
for example this one

There are also many ancient pictures and drawings of European archers drawing to their chest.
It's not because it's drawn that way that it's historically accurate, I know...

Actually, if I recall well, the Danish archer Lars Andersen (yes, that one) argues in one of his online film fragments that drawing to the chest can be a very natural way of drawing a bow.

Ancient Egyptian archers, or Asian for that matter, might wonder why we only draw to our cheek, where they drew far behind their ears, some 34".
We're just used to doing it otherwise...

I don't know, like Pat said maybe it is about generalized male activity. Maybe it is because I was raised into archery, therefore "I think" I know the appropriate draw stance. I have seen men draw their bows in a rather strange manner (to me) but each to his own. I could not hit the broadside of a barn drawing to my chest.

I brought it up as a observation that in my experience tends to lean heavily toward women. I have shown females to turn their body sideways, and yet they still draw to their chest. Not a big deal, just seems to make the learning curve harder, and harder for someone to teach.

Last, although Ishi obviously killed game, I personally could not hit SH#T with the way he is shooting in that pic.

Pat does that mean Ishi was gender neutral?:)
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Offline Jim Davis

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2017, 06:02:49 pm »
I think if a person had never seen or paid attention to a bow being drawn, that person would naturally draw to the chest. It's the most physically stable point, since are arms are attached to the top of the chest. The draw makes a straight line from bow hand along the bow arm and across the chest t the string hand..

The big disadvantage, at least for target work, is that that line is so far below the eye.

One of the WIlhelm brothers shot from the chest because an injury prevented him from shooting the more common modern way.
Jim Davis

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Offline PatM

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2017, 06:06:19 pm »
Jim, We're  talking more  about drawing straight to the chest with the body facing the target, not just drawing lower.

Offline joachimM

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2017, 06:25:15 pm »
My youngest daughter draws "correctly". She's very girly in any way, but when it comes to drawing a bow, her stance is as good if not better than her brothers'.

Look at this guy's stance. A photo model, obviously never held a bow in his hand. He's drawing to his upper chest too, facing the target...

My guess is that drawing a bow correctly isn't so intuitive as we might think it is, and that it's mostly a matter of learning it the right way. Once you need to draw heavier weights and longer lengths, it becomes physically impossible to face the target, and youneed to position yourself sideways.

Something else that popped into my mind: if you draw very far (behind the ear or so), a mediterranean release might be pretty awkward, as the string could easily slap the ear. Much less, however, with an asian-style thumb release. To do very long draws with a mediterranean release, a draw to the shoulder socket is more logic, however. Which is already a bit closer to drawing to the chest.  This is what ELB warbow archers often seem to do, whereas Manchu or Yumi archers tend to draw at or just below ear's height.

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2017, 06:58:08 pm »
I knew women were different before I ever saw one draw a bow,,,, :BB

Offline loon

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2017, 07:00:02 pm »
She is a newbie, and was told by both the master of the range and some other Korean style archer, that she has excellent posture...

Hmm, about the chest facing the target... If you drew a line between the shoulders of many Korean archers, it'd point maybe 30 degrees relative to the target \|, but others are relatively straight to the target.

This video shows a lot of angles.

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The bows... yeah.. just imagine that they're hornbows or sinew backed bamboo bows  :NN

Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2017, 09:10:42 pm »
My youngest daughter draws "correctly". She's very girly in any way, but when it comes to drawing a bow, her stance is as good if not better than her brothers'.

Look at this guy's stance. A photo model, obviously never held a bow in his hand. He's drawing to his upper chest too, facing the target...

My guess is that drawing a bow correctly isn't so intuitive as we might think it is, and that it's mostly a matter of learning it the right way. Once you need to draw heavier weights and longer lengths, it becomes physically impossible to face the target, and youneed to position yourself sideways.

Something else that popped into my mind: if you draw very far (behind the ear or so), a mediterranean release might be pretty awkward, as the string could easily slap the ear. Much less, however, with an asian-style thumb release. To do very long draws with a mediterranean release, a draw to the shoulder socket is more logic, however. Which is already a bit closer to drawing to the chest.  This is what ELB warbow archers often seem to do, whereas Manchu or Yumi archers tend to draw at or just below ear's height.

Yep, bet he would be a quick learner with a broad head on (guy in pic) Congrats on a daughter that has her skills down. :0

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Offline Onestupidsob

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2017, 12:07:16 am »
I heard Amazon women would cut off certain parts to better with a bow. I don't know how true that is but if my goods were in the way I might choose a more favorable angle. Maybe subconscious? Don't know.

I should pay more attention. My wife half blind and hasn't shot more than 3 arrows in her whole and is still a better shot than me.


Offline Strichev

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2017, 04:24:17 am »
Men who never held a bow also draw to the chest while being somewhat squared off to the target. The stance sort of reminds me of the way one might hold a rifle.

Then again I've seen a guy not understand what the buttstock on an air gun is for and try to use it like a shouldered missile launcher of some sort.  Not to mention sticking his eye to the scope. While a woman knew exactly what she was doing.

It's all in the upbringing and training one gets. And that's with all the cultural exposure to the modern weapons.

Offline FilipT

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2017, 06:04:25 am »
I heard Amazon women would cut off certain parts to better with a bow. I don't know how true that is but if my goods were in the way I might choose a more favorable angle. Maybe subconscious? Don't know.

That is stupid urban myth. There are lots of these weird myths about ancient times that have no basis in reality.

Offline rps3

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Re: Drawing bows why are women so different?
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2017, 08:35:42 am »
I have taught my wife, 2 daughters, 2 granddaughters and 1 sister to shoot a bow. Never noticed the draw part, but what has struck me is how the elbow of their bow arm bends in and catches the string so easy. We have had to get good arm guards and work on bending the arm to keep it out of the strings way.