I have a few board bows under my belt now and I have now tried two different hybrids with no luck. First hybrid popped three handles off before enough wood tore out to make it useless. The second one was a BBI trilam that had too thick of a bamboo back and my belly got to thin while trying to tiller enough to get the fades to stop bending. It developed a nasty hinge that i couldn't tiller around to save my life.
I'm looking for some help in the design department to give me the best chance at success. Right now i have a ipe lam that is 64" long x 1 5/16" wide. I plan on a 10" centered, stiff handle, but this is up for debate. The ipe starts to taper in width and thickness 5" from the end of the riser. The width tapers to 1/2" tips and the thickness tapers from 3/8" to 1/4". I have pre tillered the belly by clamping the the ipe to a table at the end of the riser and hanging a 10lb weight 2" from the tip and tillered the strong limb till it matched the weaker one (3 3/4" of deflection). This was done just to get them bending even before glue up. Seemed like a good idea. I am planning on a 1/8" hickory backing.
The last two bows were glued up with deflex/reflex I am thinking of foregoing the deflex this time and gluing in some flipped tips like this? Curve is 12" long and 3.5" tall.

I am thinking i am going to have to have a power lam to stiffen the fades and the handle area.
I am thinking a 16" power lam with a 10" handle block since i have just a flat belly.
Power lam will be 5/16" thick at the max. Here are the thickness numbers for one side of the lam.
Thickness at -8: 0.0
Thickness at -7: 0.0390625
Thickness at -6: 0.078125
Thickness at -5: 0.1171875 (Handle will begin here)
Thickness at -4: 0.15625
Thickness at -3: 0.1953125
Thickness at -2: 0.234375
Thickness at -1: 0.2734375
Thickness at 0: 0.3125 (center of bow)
How does that look?