I've been looking for a decent Scotch Broom stave but I had to settle for this one

. It had over a foot of reflex and one limb twisted a full 90 degrees. I roughed it out roughly

and started steaming. I just cut it yesterday so I was hoping it would bend reasonably easily. It did but the twisted limb split down the center for about 4". The split should be right in the middle of the limb just out of the fade so it should be OK, I hope. One limb had to have the reflex and twist removed and the other was just remove reflex. I had to tie it every which way on my bench. Got it pretty good, screwed to a 2x8, now wait a year. Just have to shellac it. Hopefully now that I fought this one to a standstill I'll start tripping over nice straight broom staves.