Stick Bender,, I do know Jim,, and I made my first decent bow with him in Texas 20 something years ago,, by that time he was not making bows for sale,, or even making sinew bows anymore,,, he was teaching workshops and making mostly self bows,, mine is still shooting and I used it to elk hunt with this year,,I have made a lot of bows in that 20 year time, and nothing out shoots the bow I made back then,, as far as his sinew process,, I follow it roughly, ,and thats how I started, cause I could call or email him as I learned how to make a sinew bow, he was always generous with his advice and I owe a lot of my bow making skills to his patience and advice,, his process is definitely a good starting point,, with good basic technique,, that you can't go wrong with,,

. and I would say is based on his knowledge of Native American techniques,,