You're always coming up with new ideas Simon, whats the osage soup recipe?
Nice bow and that some long draw length for a 52" stick, well done as always.
Yep I'm curious about the soup as well.
Great job on the bow!
Haha, Greg! What are you doing brother? haven't seen a bow from you for a long time, or did I miss?
Well, the recipe for osage soup (simple as simple can):
Solve all the fine shavings and rasping from working on osage. Next time when you steam recurves into a bow, through them into the cooking water, let them in several steaming sessions. Fill the liquid in a bottle (without the shavings) at two or three spoonful alcohol (prevent fungus infect) and you are ready.
For applying use a brush, do it two or three times (let dry inbetween) and you get old aged osage in minutes!
Cool side effect (that's why I did): in this solution are all the tan acids that reacts with the fuming. So I get a deeper color in a shorter time.