Hey all,
Primitive Archer Magazine sent out the email below so many of you might have received it already. But, the message is important to us. Please read through it and reach out to our wonderful advertisers. At the end of the email is the eMag special we are offering right now. We hope all is well with you and are thinking about you all. You can always reach out to us, we are here for you.
Primitive Archer Magazine is keeping all families across the world in our thoughts and prayers. During this time of uncertainty topped with isolation, we want to encourage you to reach out to your fellow bow maker, primitive craftsman, and primitive archery enthusiast through our message boards, phone calls, and email.
The impact of Covid19 is huge on small businesses and archery clubs. So please continue to support our advertisers as most are small businesses.
Much creativity can come out of a time like this. We encourage you to get those creative juices flowing and share with us what you are working on. And, if you have the opportunity to work with young kids while they are home from schools please take advantage of this time to "pass along the tradition….”
Below are links to our loyal advertisers and supporters. Please reach out to them, check on them, email or call them, and let them know you are keeping them in your thoughts.
The Primitive Archer Magazine Team
Clubs and Events:
Twin Oak Bowhunters Tennessee Classic -
https://www.twinoaksbowhunters.orghttps://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=twin%20oaks%20bowhunters&epa=SEARCH_BOX Marshall Primitive Rendezvous-
https://www.facebook.com/MarshallPrimitiveArchryRedezvous/ Vendors:
Pinehollow Longbows
www.Pinehollowlongbows.comCrazy Crow Trading Post
www.Crazycrow.com Horse Bows
www.horsebows.com Gill’s Primitive Archery
www.gillsprimitivearchery.com Traditionell Bogenschiessen
www.bogenschiessen.de Archery in Action
www.bowhunters.org.au Paul Comstock- The Bent Stick
P.O. Box 1102
Delaware, OH 43015
Kustom King Traditoinal Archery
www.kustomkingarchery.com NMLRA
www.NMLRA.org Khans Arrows
www.khansarrows.com Feathers-N-Wood
www.feathersnwood.com Matthias Wiltschko
Bowbuilding School
www.bowbuildingschool.com Three Rivers Archery
www.3Riversarchery.com We would LOVE to hear from you! Shoot us an email and let us know what you think about our magazine, what you want to read more about, and/or what your favorite part of the magazine is. We would also LOVE to see what you all create during this time and we can highlight those in the next issue.
send us an email at
info@primitivearcher.comWho has cabin fever??Primitive Archer Magazine has discounted our eMag (digital magazine) realizing that many of you might not be able to get to the store. Remember you will always be able to see the two previous issues with this subscription.
1 year was $25 now is $18
2 year was $46 now is $34
3 year was $69 now is $50Regards,
The Primitive Archer Team.