Yesterday I went rocks hunting and finally I hit a good place
there are both flint nodules and layers and some other promising rocks
need your help to ID
2 and 3 are flint . 2 different colours. both very fractured, the darker one much more damaged than the lighter. Almost unusable
4 (you got a bigger pic) has that waxy feeling and flakes well
1 and 5 are probably very similar (altough 1 is much more violet than picture displays)
I thought it was some kink of carbonate so I tried to drop hydrochloric acid on it but it had only minimal reaction. Looks like porcelaine, flakes well and it's hard. Edges are less cutting than flint but also much less fragile
I was really happy to have finally found a source of "real " knappable stones but at the end of the day those are my thoughts:
1 almost all flint is damaged or fractured. I'll be able to save only small flakes
2 I need to learn to spall as i wasted tons of good roks and the flakes I kept arent top quality
3 I need to learn to ID rocks and judge their quality faster
4 Need to make new knapping tools
5 need to improve my knapping too
6 how the hell our ancestors did that points and blades ?!?
7 if I had to survive with that harvest my points would be microblades or bird arrows with some casual flake as knife
8 9 10 sorry for the long story