Wille thats a great question about the thickness,,,
most people will say,, well about so many layers,, but a layer can vary in thickness dramaticly,,
there is just not a very good rule of thumb that I know of,, hope someone can chime in,
I think I read somewhere,, not to exceed 25% or the thickness of the wood,, its really hard to judge,, cause when you put it on ,, it looks soooo thick, and then shrinks to almost nothing,,
I started weighing the dry sinew before I put it on ,, just so I have a general idea how much is going on there,,
I usually start about 1000 grains on a bow that is 55 ish,,
and you could easlily go more,, but then there is a point of diminish return where the sinew would be to heavy to increase your performance,, I dont know where that is, I plan on doing some bows with too much sinew just to see what happens,,