After a couple of near misses in the woods at the same doe. In one case VERY near, as in less than 5 yards near. I came home to a new toy to play with. Thanks Swamp Thang! A nice cypress bow I'll have to play with while boiling some traps in te morning. And thanks for the extras! It should be a good starter kit to get me playing with some atlatles. I should be able to make some good darts from the shafts. Sorry about the lack of pictures, I'll get them tomorrow while I play.
As soon as I got the initial unpackaging and fondling out today the way. I started getting out of my hunting clothes, and my knife decided to make a break for it and bounced tip first off of my middle toe. I think I can say I had it pretty sharp as it cleanly sliced the nail after the tip hit the bone about 1/4" behind the nail. I'm glad it didn't split my toe out the tip. It stopped cutting right at the end of the nail. So it definitely could've been worse, though I think the bone has a new indention now.
I'll get some more pics tomorrow, for now you'll have to settle for a bloody toe