I wasn't going to show the decorations, but let the recieved show the finished bow. But I figured I'd show how I did one step of decorating.
Applying snake skin sheds.
These came from a pair of my ball pythons. 2 different color patterns. So each side has a differing pattern. I start with sheds that are intact through the body. And I put the in a plastic tub that I line with a layer of paper towels. I spray the skins and paper towels until they are damp but not wet. Let that sit for about an hour. Once pliable, take a pair of SHARP scissors and cut of the narrow head and the tail so that you have a tube. Then cut up the belly with scissors so they lay flat. I didn't do anything to prep the back except sand it clean. Spread on a layer of glue, I used TB3. Hold the skin on each end and lay it down like a bed sheet. Making sure the skin stays damp and pliable, gently straighten out the skin so there are no major wrinkles and it lined up with ye pattern you want. Keeping them damp with a bowl , use your fingers to squeegee out the excess glue and pull out the little wrinkles. Once it's all spread out, excess glue removed, and wrinkles straitened out. Trim off te excess skin. Then repeat for the other side if you didn't get it all in one go.
You only want ye skin damp, not wet! If it gets wet it gets very delicate, like wet tissue paper. If just damp it's actually pretty tough. Then you just clean up the edges like any other skin. I use a bastard file and sand paper.
Feel free to ask any questions I may have missed.