It is very possible that leprechauns and other faeries are drawn to the poteen and uisce beatha, especially at this season, they would likely be very interested in the search for the elusive black oiser😀! Being the full moon, and very near the spring equinox, strange things may happen. Swampman needs to take care on his sojourns into the swamp - several faerie beings are believed to be swamp dwellers, some not so nice, and the pookas may anywhere. The will'o'wisps can lead you into strange or dangerous places!
On the other hand, I read that the red oiser is native to Swampman's area, so maybe he will get lucky! It is very probably still in winter mode up there, but what I found had green inner bark already,
But we had a very warm month in February.
Everyone have a happy and safe St. Patrick's Day (week)! There may be more musings from the faeries as the week goes on😀
