ok since the recent request from my egg tanned bobcat for a tan-a-long, i have tanned a muskrat and "documented" the process i used, to show you how it can be easy. this is my adapted method, i got a little info "here" and a little info "there", but i have used what i felt was needed and left out what i didnt. others may agrue the steps or decisions i made, so i dont want to knock anyone elses styles, but this is what works for me

. it is very easy and took me a total time or 3-4 hours to tan this muskrat over a period of 2 afternoons, so grap your pelts and start tanning.
also, this is where i got the request from and see most of the tanning questions, so if iposted it in the wrong part of the forum then by all means move it
i started with a muskrat that i got from
huntertrapper let start with salting- its not completely needed but it can help you out by saving you time and if you work all day like me it gives you a break from nonstop working. i think how you salt is an important step so i am goin to list how i do it.
do a decent fleshing job, but doesnt have to be perfect, now rub it in salt, everywhere skin is. make sure you get all the corners and every bit of wet looking skin. USE LOTS OF SALT, when you think you have used a lot, use some more. once it is totally covered, dump more salt on until its just falls off when you trty to pick it up. Now, lay it out flat, with skin side out\up. and let it drain all the YUCK outa it overnight
In the morning, shake the yuck salt off and rub freash salt in. heavy aswell. lots of salt! now roll it up fur side out and you can store it for a while if you want to walk away for a day or so it will be fine. if you want to leave it for a number of days, put it in the fridge so it doesnt dry out too much.
After instruction, huntertrapper salted it for me before he sent it. He did an excellent job of salting, but unfortunatly i have no pictures of the process.
Next comes fleshing- leave the salt on. dont wet the hide any unless aABSOLUTLY needed, the salt will aid you in fleshing. i do it over a 2x4 fro convienience. you can scrape if you like but i used a good sharp fleshing knife to speed the process along. this prep time is the most important, so tak etyuor time and pace yourself. ever bit of meat, fat and membrane must be removed.
so start fleshing.
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