Author Topic: size of pre-form  (Read 1321 times)

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Offline paulc

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size of pre-form
« on: February 15, 2017, 05:03:32 pm »
What size should I be shooting for when trying to make preforms?  How thick, and what circumference etc.  I have been using my smaller pieces(pieces knocked off the preforms) to practice my hitting but when I try to move to my larger pieces I simply reduce them to smaller pieces so not making much beyond really sharp gravel.  Working on obsidian, texas chert(ebay purchase) and ohio flint ridge material.  The second two have been cooked in a new turkey roaster.

Thanks, Paul

Offline bjrogg

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Re: size of pre-form
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2017, 07:18:01 pm »
My first step is usually to try to make aa biface. I may thin if the opportunity is there especially if it's from the base or point. The answer to your question for me is as big and thin as I can get. I'm really not very good at getting usable flakes when I'm making performs. I usually try harder to get my biface or preform without putting any steps or hinges.
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Offline Outbackbob48

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Re: size of pre-form
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2017, 08:19:03 pm »
Paul C , make them as big and thin as possible , keep your bi face's clean as soon as you start putting stacks or steps stop and put aside and start on another rock and make it as clean as possible stop when you start having problems. Do this to all your rocks and when you have gone thru all start over on your preforms an you will see problems that now you can address from learning on all your previous preforms , Did I do this (not) just like everyone else I tried to go all the way from big rock to beautiful point on the first date :o :( Just remember to quit on your preforms when you start to have problems not after you have gravel or to many stacks and other problems. It is a long learning curve, take you time and enjoy the ride, Hope this helps. Bob