Before you start on the second loop place a clip or clamp at the point where your blended section ends and completely straighten out the two sections before you start on the second loop. That eliminates twist from sneaking too much into the middle section and cabling it.
I do that normally and I counter twist about 30 twists. I undid the string(the right one 8 strands

) and made it up an inch shorter. I braced the bow at 4:15 and the brace height was about 4 1/2-5" but falling. It settled a bit at 4 1/4". At 4:30 it was 3 1/2". At 4:50 it was 3 3/8". So it's initial settling in that I'm seeing. I visually compared the remaining loop with the new one before I braced it. As expected the new loop was smaller and the twisted area was thicker. It's 5:00 now and the brace height is down about half the string thickness and with 8 strands that isn't much.
I guess originally because I had the string an inch long and it went on at low brace, in the first few minutes it settled enough to go right flat. I guess I panicked thinking my old string troubles were back. I'm alright now, I think

Thanks for your help Pat