JW - that could create a breeze at the knees😀 Smile, Mullet, at least it's summer down there!
If I remember correctly, many flint blades were halted in boiled antler, "back in the (long ago) day". Have to start haunting the museums again to be sure! My guess is the blade was roughed out, then halted, and finished after halting, but I have a lot to learn and relearned about knapping. I would think the antler would have to be "scraped" very fine to boil into glue. I just drilled out the only one I made and capped it with a chunk of Chevy Corvair engine block😀😱. Semi primitive, did all the work by hand, including chiseling out the corner of the block and fitting to the blade, about 25 years ago! Oh well tomorrow's Friday! Have a cold one and a nice weekend!