Well I tillered it out a littled farther. I went out to 26" and at this point have 40#. I'll never make 50, but who cares. I have a little 45#'er that shoots faster than most of my other 50-55# bows and I just have a feeling with a little sinew, this one might just do the same.
The tiller has been kinda hard to read on this one for me, lots of little dips and humps, but I think I have it pretty close.
The first picture is after I narrowed the tips, got a little snake to it.

The second is it at 26" and the third is right after unstringing it. The little booger is still holding 1-5/8" reflex. Not bad for 1" wide and 55" ntn
I have all my sinew sorted out and ready. All i'm waiting on is the hide glue to get here.
I don't have one of them fancy glue heaters, anybody have any good tips on how to heat the glue and what to degrease the back with?
Thanks ahead of time, Saw Filer
Oh and Greg! I haven't made any knives lately, got bows on my mind again. But don't worry, I won't show up at Pappy's without you one

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