I'm afraid she's on her way out. Not a terrible effort, though. I see what you were going for in the strung profile.
Strictly, the minute you flipped those tips to reflex, it was no longer a pyramid bow and required a different tiller. If you started with pyramid "specs" like an even side taper and essentially even thickness, that little reflex in the tips pushed all the strain, and hence the bend, toward that inner limb right off the fades.
I've done the same a couple times (at least) early on. Next time, if you keep that front profile, you have to adjust thickness along the limbs, going much thinner mid-limb, say the middle 50% of each. Currently, all the bend is right off the fades, in the first 25%, and concentrated in the first 15%. Right where the frets are.
Keep it up, though!