We are having the Invatational again this year.
Dates October 13-16
Where: 2819 PaceBend Rd. S. Spicewood Tx.
Bow builds on 13-16 limited to the amount of bowyers that show.
Thursday: bow builds
Friday: bow builds continue with other related things like arrow making. Pot luck dinner
Tournament on Saturday 10:00 followed by knapping , bow making , games and archery related things. Pot luck dinner, Auction
Sunday: Blanket shoot. $100 bill shoot
Fun rounds $10
$100 shoot 6 arrows for $5
Tournament $20
Blanket shoot $10 plus you bring a item worth at least $5
Camping $10
A weekend of fun for under a hundred. More importantly you are going to meet some fine people that
Enjoy a passion that you love. Arvin