Author Topic: one, two, three times I glued this one so far, NOW FOUR  (Read 6331 times)

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Offline 1442

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one, two, three times I glued this one so far, NOW FOUR
« on: January 07, 2017, 01:15:29 pm »
 broke this piece, glued it and just got started working it again, broke off the tip, then broke it near the first break. I glued that back and let it sit overnight, and worked it some more. I was just gonna use it for practice and see how far I could get with it so I thinned the ends pretty thin and lost a big corner off the base, but I had it worked to the point I was ready to span the glued areas. I took several pics of how the flakes traveled in the glued areas and I got some bbad hinges that I was able to clear from the other side, and stuff and I am amazed that the glue joints held it together through all of it. The bbad news is that when I snapped a pic of the last flake across the glue area I noticed the camera said "NO MEMORY CARD"
Dang!  :(
Oh well! I cleaned up the edges with pressure and went and fetched a memory card to get a pic before I put notches in it just in case. The notches are more for practice too and not right for a corner tang but I need practice with this type notch. The base notch went well but the other one had two cracks on the edge where it needed to be. one of the cracks took off the tang. It is glued now and I'll finish it once the glue has set awhile. 
This is more a post to show what glue can do and not how good I am at breaking stuff so keep that in mind and realize these breaks was accidently on purpose. I did throw in a pic of three I broke this week just for grins. I'm getting low on glue though. BTW I used gorilla brand super glue in this highly uncontrolled expearment. just in case y'all might want to break some of your nicer bifaces and try this out for yourselfs.

Here's first break glued
« Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 05:16:36 am by 1442 »

Offline 1442

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2017, 01:17:26 pm »
second break and glue and a couple more I musta dropped or sumpin :-[

Offline 1442

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2017, 01:21:45 pm »
Here it is when I was done except for notches, I only flaked over the glue on one side but it is thicker in that area and I'm gonna come back and try to get some flakes over that side too.
Right now the thickest spot is 0.16" or bout 5/32".

Offline 1442

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2017, 01:23:32 pm »
Then one notch done and one broke then glued

Online JW_Halverson

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2017, 01:34:34 pm »

I thought you guys joked when you said you glued them back together.  Or at the most, glued them back together after they were finished.  Can you actually knap through/over a superglued piece of rock???
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Offline 1442

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2017, 01:49:17 pm »
Yeah! It works sometimes.
I've managed to flake straight across some glue pretty well on a couple.
This one the flakes would partially break off at the glue but portions of them would run on through it.

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2017, 08:40:15 pm »
What brand of glue you using?
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Offline Chippintuff

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2017, 10:49:13 pm »
There is something that I do wrong when gluing flint with super glue. It will not stick immediately when put together, so I have to wedge it between a couple things till the next day. Exactly how do you apply the glue, and does it stick fast like it does on fingers?


Offline 1442

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2017, 05:15:31 am »
I use gorilla brand super glue
As soon as the point breaks I usually look at it and the flake and just get a quick assessment of why it broke. Then ask myself why I did that and tell myself, "don't do that again dummy" or something like that all while reaching for the glue.
 I make sure the glue surfaces don't have any dust or tiny slivers on them, then run a bead of glue all across the break. I want enough glue to get a little bit of squeeze out all along the break, then put them together and apply some pressure. Not too much but enough to smash the glue out, and I'll lightly try to wiggle them a bit to make sure the pieces are seated together perfectly, then hold the pressure for four or five seconds. Sometimes they are stuck, but sometimes they need a few more seconds of pressure to hold together. Once it's stuck I gently lay it somewhere where there are no bending stresses on the glue joint and let it cure. I think it takes a while to cure because the squeezed out glue is thick enough to take a while to cure and any glue in the joints is kind of sealed in, like glue in a bottle, until the whole mass of glue is cured.

Here's some new action on the point that just keeps breaking
I got the second notch done with no problems at all
I had all kind of trouble with the little narrow section between the breaks in the middle. The edge crushed and took out a little chunk of it. Got worked down to a point that I thought I was fixin to get it and had one short section to run some flakes on when I noticed a crack extending from the edge to one of the glue lines.
You can see the crack in the third pic.
I got two small flakes working my way toward the crack, then it snapped on the third one.
It's interesting how this crack went right through one of the glue joints.
That makes six times I broke this thing. That ought to be enough, but I have it glued and curing again so who knows,

Offline mullet

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far, NOW FOUR
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2017, 04:25:15 pm »
Frankenstein blade.
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 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline bjrogg

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far, NOW FOUR
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2017, 08:25:21 pm »
That's interesting 1442. I made a really nice hunting point from some butterscotch flint river once. I had it knapped to weight sticking in grove in my spine and weight matched red osier shaft when it popped out fell to the cement floor and broke in two pieces. I glued it together with super glue and put it with my points and forgot about it. My granddaughter had a Native American week at school and I gave it to her with several other points but I tried to put some pressure on it and it held together. If I had read this post t it might possibly be halvted to a hunting shaft now. Thanks for sharing this info
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Online JW_Halverson

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far, NOW FOUR
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2017, 03:54:17 pm »
If your superglue isn't bonding, blow on it.  The moisture from your breath is often enough to start the catalytic action.  Superglues need a little water to really activate properly. 
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Offline 1442

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far, NOW FOUR
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2017, 01:00:25 am »
I would feel confident in a glued point to shoot a deer but that would be a last resort. Like I shut the truck door on my quiver and had to do something quick.

JW  I hope I never have to glue another one
I do blow  on em to, but some just don't stick instantly. like there's too much glue mass around the joint to let the glue set fast within the joint.

Offline bjrogg

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far, NOW FOUR
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2017, 06:28:39 am »
I would feel confident in a glued point to shoot a deer but that would be a last resort. Like I shut the truck door on my quiver and had to do something quick.
agreeded 1442 that's why my granddaughter has that one and it's not in my quiver. After reading this post I gained more respect for super glue though
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Online JW_Halverson

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Re: one, two, three times I glued this one so far, NOW FOUR
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2017, 07:02:58 pm »
Another way to get the superglue to set instantly is to put your finger on the excess squeeze out.  The moisture in your skin will IMMEDIATELY cause the glue to set and bond you to the stone.  However, I cannot guarantee that the glue will bond the two pieces of stone to each other.   Sorry, you are on your own on that count.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.