The last 3-4 months were very busy for me, I saw alot of bows and arrows leave my shop.
With the baby, work, the band, and very little spare time, I'd rather spend that time in my shop than on my computer.
I fell a little behind sharing photos, I never even got to photograph a few of them due to never ending bad weather.
Here's some pics of some recent builds, I know I'm missing a couple FD shots, I always try to film myself and take screenshots but they don't always turn out.
cheers guys, thanks for looking
a few yew bows


a kids bow and a babies bow

This was the bow I raffled for Pinecone, and the lucky winner

arrows I received from Danzn Bar. I realized I had forgotten to share photos, so here they are. Thanks again!

A bow I made for a very large man. Pulling nearly 70# at 34" draw. A little uncomfortable for me to draw apparently

rawhide backed ERC. deflex kinks in each limb make it look a little off

yew recurve with WDBs