Hi Mike,
I think the main reasons for not necessarily doing a Turkish as a first horn bow is that they appear to me to be more of a technical challenge, and more time-consuming, than something like a Magyar. Equally, my main interest is in target rather than flight archery so a bow designed for medium weight arrows over a shorter range might be more suited to my requirements, as would a medium weight bow - I can pull 50# but can't get much beyond that at the moment. I am really struggling with Adam's descriptions of the differences between target, flight and war-bows, I have read and re-read the sections in his book and cannot get my head around it, so, while a Turkish is definitely one of my targets for this batch of horn, it might be better as horn bow number two or three? Having said all that, processing the horn then deciding makes perfect sense and, anyway, I ALWAYS over-think things!
Happy New Year,