The trick is to make sure you never shoot it unbraced

But seriously, the string and bow will find their own balanced plane to work on, and as long as it stays in line at the end of the shot it's good. There isn't really any flat plane to line the string up with until the bow is braced. Before the bow is braced it is just a line not a flat plane, once it is curved it defines a flat plane... (if that makes sense?). E.G an unbraced bow can be put down on the floor and rotated just about any way you like, belly up, down or sideways*, once it is braced into a curve it lies flat, so alignment of an unbraced bow is a bit meaningless.
My go to bow is "Twister", says it all really...
* obviously not so true with flipped tips, but I'm just trying to illustrate it.
Maybe I should quit while I'm behind?