Hey Jeff, that's my name! Who would have thought, two bow guys with the same name within 45 minutes of each other!
Here's where I got the Osage (sorry this is so long, but it's worth telling):
There is a very long, very old Osage hedgerow (pre-barbed-wire) in Parma. I got up the guts to ask the gentleman who owns the land if I could cut some and to my astonishment he said I could have as much as I could carry.

I walked for over a mile along this hedgerow through thorns, nettles and poison ivy with my chainsaw

until I at last found a younger tree worth harvesting.

The log I took was about 10 inches in diameter and 65" long. That sucker was green and heavy.

It took hours getting it back to my car, walking 10 feet, dropping the log, going back for my chainsaw and repeating. When I got home I was covered in dried blood and sweat. My wife thought a lunacy commission should be appointed

, but it was worth it.