DC,, sometimes when I am tired my release is not so good,, and I loose a few fps,,
if I shoot first thing in the morning,, when I am fresh,, I get more consistant results,, dublicates,, and the fps are closer,, sometimes when I hold the bow real loose,, I will get that extra few fps that makes me smile,,
the bow is shooting good,, now you have to do your part,,

also take into consideration how much your string weighs ,,, ,I think Badger said one less strand will add 1 1/2 fps,, and that he shoots 6 strand sometimes,, I am afraid to go that low,, I have been shooting a 10 strand ,, and thats as low as I can go,,,,, I think you will see the more you shoot through the chrono,, the better and more consistant your release will become,, its kinda like close range flight shooting,,

I have not tried this,, but maybe try some shafts with no feathers,,???