I have 21 arrow shafts that I've collected which are spined too high for me to do much with, so I'd figured I would see if there was any interest. There are 5 hardwood shoots (mock orange, wild rose, and ocean spray) with weights between 500-800 grains and 16 bamboo, which are between 400-650 grains. All are 31-32" long. Some have been straightened (a few of the bamboo have wood nock plugs as well) and the rest are in varying stages of natural straightness - I believe all could make a serviceable arrow with a little work. My homemade spine-tester is not terribly accurate for anything outside of the range I shoot (30-50#), but these are all well above that, maybe 75-110# spine measured at 28".
I don't want to these to go to waste, so if anyone is interested in this grab-bag, I'm be willing to trade cheaply. Ideally a half-dozen quality shafts (don't have to be totally straight/finished) spined 35-45#, or a finished arrow or two, stone hunting point(s), a beaver tail, etc. Just let me know what you've got if you're interested.