I have had the dubious pleasure of adzing, and I have to agree with Mike, they are really difficult tools to master, an axe is much better for most jobs - I'd have thought a carving axe or a side axe would be a better investment. Equally I am not sure the Koreans are using them with abandon - the bowyers seem to be breaking the grain to prevent splitting on the first pass, then coming back and removing the bulk of the waste on the next pass. Videographers like the 'spectacular', I bet the final passes are done much more slowly and carefully, wouldn't mind betting there's a smoothing/finessing section to the process we didn't get to see - the videos always miss bits out - like where the bowyer (subtitles) says he is sculpting the sinew 'like a muscle' but we don't get to see the finished profile - raised edges and a raised centre maybe? or flat-ish centre with raised edges? In fact all the really important sculpted profiles are omitted which is a little frustrating if you have no way of examining the finished product