Been doin' a lot of reading on reflex and my eyes are starting to

Could you guys give me your opinions on which woods are the best (or worst) at holding heat-induced reflex? I've been experimenting with hickory lately (because I've got a bunch of it) and it doesn't hold reflex very well. I've tried heat tempering the belly and it seems to help. I wish I had more time to experiment.

Here's my personal experience:
Stave Mulberry - excellent
Lumberyard Ipe - good (if the stave doesn't fail during heat treatment)
Lumberyard Ash - good (at low draw weight)
Lumberyard Oak - same as Ash
Stave Hickory - not good
Stave Ashe juniper - good (but slowly looses about 25%-50% reflex with time & humidity changes)
Stave Elm - seems pretty good, but I've only made child-strength bows with it so far.