You can go from Zero to hero in just a matter of seconds in the deer wood, but generally speaking if you are hunting with self bow it's a good thing you aren't in any rush to kill a deer,

it can sometimes take a while.

Their is about a thousand little things that all have to come together all at once so the more you do it the more you can put the pieces together and make it happen, usually the easiest part is seeing deer, but getting the right shot and doing your part on that is the hard part, no way to learn or for anyone to tell you, you just have to get out there and do it. Not that advice is bad and sometimes helps some but it's not the answer, you doing it is the key. Good luck, hope it all come together for you. Sometimes it is the easiest thing in the world to do, and sometimes it is the most flustering thing you could every try. Guess that's why I love it, keeps me on my toes.
