Swamp Thang, I agree with all of the advice you've been given. Sometimes when the wind
Is wrong to hunt where I want I have a couple spots that I might get a good shoot but I can watch over a pretty good area. I use this as kind of a scouting hunt. I try to observe when and where and what groups of deer are coming from and going to. Just remember to keep looking for the close encounters while your watching the far away ones. I difenitly agree about the patience,
It's a lot harder to sit in a tree stand for 6 or more hours than a nice comfy gun blind too. It's always hard to sit in that spot when you don't think anything is going to come. This was my 1st year bow hunting and 2x I almost moved thinking I wasn't in a good spot. Both times just minutes after I made my mind up to stay I got shots at deer. The 1st I hit to far forward and a bit high didn't penetrate shoulder, the 2nd I double lunged with a 10 yard quartering away shot. Which brings me to my last bit of advice. As soon as you can watch the spot you want to hit, as Pearl would say burn a hole right in that spot don't look at anything else and when the spot is in as good place as you can get it let your arrow fly. Good Luck and Happy Hunting. I'd really like to do a hog hunt sometimes maybe you got
some tips for that.