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Flight shooting strings

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  The only condition that you would be able to duplicate accurately would be soaking wet. My humidity where I live is more consistent than most at about 60% give or take a few, but even at that I have never bothered to check the humidity when testing. Excellent observation.

Very interesting results. I suspect that humidity change was the reason. I have at least three humidity meter, in every room I store wood or other materials. It is easy to check relative humidity. For example, I store my linen threads in the basement, where the relative humidity is always about 50-70 %, depending of the season.

Bocken's breaking strength was 13,1 # (min. 11,4, max 15,5) with short sample (30 cm, n=17) and 10,8 (min. 9,7, max 12,2) with long sample (150 cm, n=12). Relative humidity 55 %, 20 C. So, if you use longish samples, we are getting just the same results.

Aussie Yeoman:
Badger makes a good point: the only way everyone around the world can meaningfully compare results is to have wet thread.

Which begs the question: do those that shoot flight competitively, do you moisten your strings prior to shooting, or otherwise keep them in a sealed humidity environment before taking them out onto the salt flats?

I wipe the string down with a lightly damped cloth before i shoot in very low humidity. It isn't enough moisture to add much mass but it sure makes a difference in the life of the string.


Aussie Yeoman:
Someone sent me a link to this mob:


suggesting the imported seven strand linen makes about a 130 gr string for about a 50 lb bow of 70" long.

Has anyone experimented with the other stuff available here?


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