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My First Bow (Build-a-long)

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If the moisture escapes to fast you can get drying checks, if its 9' long don'y know that ya
need to seal the ends, as for sealing the back that also may not be necessary if you keep it somewhere cool
but it certaily won'y hurt to seal it. You can use shellac, wheap white(elmers) glue, poly, varnish any of them will work as a sealant.
Can't say for sure but that looks like it might be a small maple tree. Good luck and ask questions.

Good luck ,looks like you got a good start.The first picture with the saw sitting at the end looks like Hickory but the other looks like Maple.did you cut 2 down ? Nice project. :)

The Burnt Hill Archer:
   My standard disclamer:  there are thoes here much more knowledgable than me. if they tell you something else go with them.   

     You could theoreticaly get it to floor tiller right now, that would save on the checks on the back. the reason it checks is that the outer wood is drying faster than the inner wood, and it causes it so shrink against that tension, and pull it apart. if you reduce the side profile, (the thickness) you are in a sence taking away that inner wood. so it has nothing to pull against. (im not very good at explaining things.)

       just reduce it to general dimentions, full width the whole lenght. AKA dont reduce the front profile on the handle and at the tips. This will reduce the chance for it to warp. You can also clamp it to a board or something strait to help with that too. wait a fiew days and it should be prety close to the right moisture content to work. It is also a whole lot easier to work green wood than seasoned wood. especially if your just using hand tools. 
      i did this with a hickory sapling about the same size of yours last summer. had it from living tree to shooting bow in about a week. Tim Baker used this quick drying method to make his stone age bow in the third Traditional Bowyers Bible.


See TBB 4 Tim Bakers chapter, most excellent ;D

That looks like some sound advice Phil :), haven't tried any quick cures yet. TBB4? I gotta break down and order that one I reckon ;D.


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