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My First Bow (Build-a-long)

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I've never sealed a bow, and have roughed a just cut tree into a bow to dry in the same day. The only checks I've gotten were with some oaks and a locust, and they were just superficial. As Tim Baker says, the thinned piece of wood has very little "inside". This helps deter checks and cracks. You might run across them if you leave it as a full stave, but not so much if you work it down.


--- Quote from: Pappy on March 04, 2008, 01:34:13 pm ---Good luck ,looks like you got a good start.The first picture with the saw sitting at the end looks like Hickory but the other looks like Maple.did you cut 2 down ? Nice project. :)

--- End quote ---

Oops, I may have put the wrong picture up.  I cut a hickory branch down that was just too crooked.  That must have been it.

It's been drying for almost a week, if it isn't checked all over, I am going to rough it out soon.  I'll be back then.  ^_^

I had to cancel that stave, it twisted during seasoning, and is just too brittle to make a bow, if you barely bend it it makes vicious cracking noises.

Pat B:
Looks like you scraped the bark but not the cambium layer under it. That could be what you hear cracking. Scrape the stave down to the white wood, seal it as stated above, clamp(or tie) it to a 2x4 and let it sit for a few weeks. Then take it down to almost bow size(at floor tiller stage) and let it cure a few more weeks. You want to put it in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight and out of drafts so it will cure slowly and evenly.   Pat


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