I didn't want to open new thread just for this thing so here it is in this existing thread.
I abandoned my character hazel longbow project. It was supposed to be 80# at 32". It had severe kink in the upper limb and that made it impossible to tiller.
Two things happened. Because of the deflexed kink, upper limb touched 8" line (my bracing line) on my tiller almost immediately, while lower limb that had 2" of reflex couldn't get near bracing height after lot of scraping and rasping.
That resulted in loss of mass and obvious lightness on the tiller. It wasn't possible to make bow at 80#.
But here is the thing. I picked hazel sapling pictured yesterday. I think that is the upper part of sapling I used for the failed bow described above! I had to pick it up because of very interesting shape.
Shape you are looking at will be back of the bow. When looking from sides, its almost straight, so that means there shouldn't be major surprises on the tiller.
What I am asking is this. You can see red line. That is supposed position of the string and you see that if you put center in the curvature, string will not pass through it.
So I thought about should I leave it like that and use position on the curvature marked with blue arrow as some sort of arrow pass?
Will the bow twist in hand when I hold it?Could I rotate the bow and the side you are seeing to be actual side of the bow, so the bow would have deflexed handle area?Btw, forgot to mention. This would be 70" ntn 80 - 90# longbow.
Would 32" draw length work on bow this long?P.S. Red arrow is upper limb.