My Grandson is 10 yrs old this yr & this is his 2nd yr hunting and his 2nd buck. I went through his safety course last yr with him, he killed a spike last yr, the only buck we seen together.
This yr he wasn't set up to go out hunting opening weekend yet, as I had an elk to get cut up and in the freezer.
My youngest daughter and her BF went out opening morning and spotted this spike and 3 doe eating apples. they backed out and called my oldest daughter, had her wake the grandson up and get ready. When she asked him if he wanted to get up and go shoot a deer, his reply was "that sounds easy enough" They picked him up in the neighboring town about 10 miles away. When they got back to find the where the deer had been, they was happy to see the deer still in the same place eating apples. One well placed shot quartering at him through the shoulder and out just behind the other shoulder, with the 6mm Remington. Thank you for looking, Ed