We are late getting our stands up this year. Season opens Saturday and we still have a couple left to put up. Yesterday I was clearing out some dead trees around a stand we have in a patch of oaks. I dropped a tree and cut it up with a chainsaw. After I piled up all the wood I climbed into the stand to look around when something caught my eye. A mature doe stood up 15 yards away from where I had just dropped the tree. She was bedded down behind a small brush pile. She stretched for a minute and then slowly walked a half circle around us and on up the other hillside. She never flagged or looked alarmed. I couldn't believe it. I'm sure this weekend she will spot me in that same stand and let out half a dozen snorts to alert all the other deer in the area.
Here are a couple pictures of our stands.

I'm not sure how long that tree will stay up. It's split all the way to the ground. I'll hate to loose the stand site when it goes but I'm excited about getting some staves with a story behind them.

I scouted out a new spot to hang this stand.

After we were done putting it up I noticed the steps in a tree behind it. I guess I read the same deer sign that my grandpa did 30 years ago. He must have been a lot tougher than I am. He put a few steps up a tree and would sit on a branch with nothing to lean against or to put his feet on. I don't know how he hunted like that. We find old stands of his like this every now and then. It makes us stop for a moment and think.