Sorry for the delay in this build, as I've been working through car troubles (someday I'll have a workshop at home, but for now, my workplace will do), but here is where I'm at.
I did try reheating the tip I was concerned about. Maybe I didn't need to, but I learned something neat from it. Reheating the tip caused the curve to undo itself. By the time I got it back on the form it lost about half of its bend. Besides that, I left it on the form overnight and it did get closer to the other tip. It looks to be about 1/16" why of the other one. (no pic, sorry

But, here's where I do have a picture! I was able to toss the lams on the bending form. Here's how it looks with the middle posts right in the middle of the working part of the limb:

If that looks good, I'll get her glued up. If not, I'll adjust, take another picture, and go from there.